

This project manages dependencies using poetry

Ensure you have poetry installed (pip install poetry)

Then get setup with poetry install

git clone
poetry install

Running the test project

Setup db tables etc.

python tests/test_app/ migrate

Generate test data

python tests/test_app/ reset

Run development server (with werkzeug debugger)

python tests/test_app/ runserver_plus

Running the tests

Tests are run via github actions on any pull request into master, and are written for use with the pytest framework, we should have good enough tests for you to base your own off of, though where we are lacking, feel free to contribute, but keep it clean, concise and simple, leave the magic to the wizards.

Run the test suite with your current python interpreter and Django version using pytest or target an individual test with pytest -k my_test_name

Run against all supported Python and Django Versions using tox

Contribution guidelines

  • Fork the project
  • Make a pull request against this repositories master branch,
  • Include tests unless its a trivial change
  • Add a screenshot if your proposing UI changes
  • Demonstrate the change within the test_app if possible
  • No breaking changes please

Coding guidelines

  • autoformat your code with black
  • When fixing something display related, please bear the following in mind:
    • Try fixing the problem using HTML, else CSS, else JS
    • Try removing code, else changing code, else adding code

Serving documentation locally

You can serve the docs locally using mkdocs serve -a localhost:8001 and visiting http://localhost:8001


Working with translations in jazzmin is, a bit unorthodox, as we are overriding djangos templates, so it looks like we have a lot of strings that need translating, but in-fact they already have translation strings in Django, heres the process for dealing with translations, though we recommend not adding new strings that need translating if possible, and use suitable iconography instead (See Font Awesome 5.13.0 free icons), or use a string that is already translated upstream in Django.

Adding a new language

  1. cd into the jazzmin folder
  2. Add the desired language directory e.g mkdir -p locale/de/LC_MESSAGES
  3. Run django-admin makemessages
  4. cd ../
  5. Run ./ locales --prune de to remove the django provided strings
  6. Go through the strings in the locale file, any that are not genuinely new strings introduced by jazzmin, find them in the codebase, and try making them match the ones provided in djangos admin/admin docs translation files

Once you have finished, run makemessages again, until the file contains ONLY unique strings to jazzmin, there should only be a handful